As a SIBO sufferer, should I stay on a low carb diet and the pathogen purge longer? And what about aloe? The other plans take it for soothing their GI tract and for constipation, but it’s not a very “legal” food for SIBO according to the research.

Theories and science constantly bump up against biochemical individuality and unless put into Nature's perspective, we struggle. Aloe contains healing mucopolysaccharides, (i.e. - healing sugars), good molecules. The concern here is if those molecules will increase bacterial overgrowth. But isn't the diet going to bring vegetables and growth medium (fiber) back anyway? The diet needs to continue with low carbs for an extended time frame to allow the body time to re-organize. There is a huge "individual" element here where diet and the individual's immune system must re-organize the small intestinal colonies. Overgrowth of methane producer-species often need longer anti-microbial therapy. Hydrogen-sulfide species are affected by different botanicals— thus the comprehensive array in Phase Two with an extra week of the pathogen purge worked in lower potency in your transition week. Once ready, you’ll move to the reseeding phase and incorporate more food-based fibers to check if you are ready to let go of the anti-pathogenics. If using fiber (or probiotics) aggravates immediately, chances are such that the terrain is not yet accommodating a self-controlling biodiversity. This is why the fibers needed to promote beneficial bacteria in the colon are used only in food form in the SIBO program. Bloating can be a sign to delay Phase Three and suggest that you should continue with the Pathogen Purge for a longer timeframe, (i.e. - your oregano oil, grapefruit seed extract). Many SIBO overcomers can use aloe just fine. Others experience bloating as the "overgrowth species" quickly rebound from the Pathogen Purge dietary restrictions and botanicals. Perseverance is required.

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