Additional Details: I usually have a few nuts as a snack and do a coffee enema after dinner to help digestion. Im already taking enzymes, HCL that I tolerate well, ox bile, etc. Im using all teas multiple times per day and basil and cilantro in broth. 

If carbs are causing bacterial overgrowth, thus your choice of Plan S, then this program's strategy will be helpful. You can increase your digestive enzymes with meals, as they help with carbohydrate digestion. The "fast" will push the carb-responsive overgrowth down. It basically starves the overgrowth, and then the pathogen purge will further reduce. In addition, a low carb diet provides the body an opportunity to "resist" the re-proliferation of overgrowth species and re-establish biodiversity. So do consider the bone broth fast as a method to reduce the offending overgrowth. SIBO recovery strategies are founded on depleting the overgrowth and then having a more bio-diverse array of species re-form. It's not a "perfect science" and ultimately is controlled by diet and your innate immune response.