ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Am I pushing things too fast? Will the GT5 protocol actually address old viruses from my childhood and pass them for good or will they still resurface when the environment is right? I just ordered more Mucosagen thinking that would be a good overall ongoing supplement to take, just not sure if I am properly using the Biocidin and Tai Rae Chi.

A: Many viruses are along for the ride of life. Until genuine solutions are found, the key is to support 'immune mastery' of the virus. Actually, this ties into the long-term debate: Is it the bug or is it the terrain? Beachamp said: The terrain is everything." Pasteur finally agreed. So the mission is to live in good health, but there are so many forces counter to this, e.g. dental fillings, fluoride in the water, GMO food, environment pollution, nuclear radiation. Yep, the body is hard pressed. Thankful for GT5 and the natural health practices that come to our aid!!! This is a 'constitutional issue' and the GT5 program helps foundationaly. This is why people will report that herpes outbreaks stop, etc. So the program helps the "whole body" by helping improve the G.I. microbiome and tissue integrity. Consider keeping going with the Biocidin and TaiRaChi while your immune system addresses the herpes and your body heals the lesions. Then you have an opportunity to get past the situation and obtain some long-term innate resistance, e.g. immune mastery. Generally, herpes will resurface when the environment is right. The key is gaining better immunological control so the environment is never right for it. The thought here is that the herpes got uppity because of a threat to its environment. So press on’re doing great!