I get kidney pain (lower back pain on both sides) and have frequent urination. How can I support my kidneys?

If you get kidney pain (lower back pain on both sides), have frequent urination not related to increased water intake, or just want to support your kidneys while on the Path Purge, you can freeze a washed, organic lemon, shred it in a food processor and eat 1 teaspoon of it (I like to put it in my water and drink it or put it on a salad) 3 times a day. Parsley is also wonderful for the kidneys so you can freeze fresh parsley into ice cubes and use that in your water and drink the herbs when the ice melts or just use up to 1 cup of chopped parsley on your food daily or include it in your green juice.  As a supplement, using rosehips (in tea, tincture, or pill form) are a great way to support the kidneys as well.

If you are experiencing kidney pain and are taking the proteolytics, discontinue for two weeks and then start back after supporting the kidneys - this could be a kidney detoxifcation issue.

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