I have Adrenal Fatigue with very low cortisol throughout the day. If I use antimicrobials, my adrenals get stressed out and cause high blood sugar. How can I avoid this or to bring it down? I also need to stay very low carb on the program, is that ok?

For adrenal fatigue, we have to address 3 things: digestive health, blood sugar balance and mental/emotional stressors.

  1. You are in the right spot because this program is GENTLE. We know that very tired and adrenally-taxed people cannot handle pathogen purges very well, which is why we developed this new process of going gentle on the body to slash inflammation and build the liver/adrenal glands in Phase 1. The diet is also carefully crafted to replace nutrients lost from chronic high cortisol. If you get die-off, cut your doses in half or skip a day and then go back.
  2. Consuming 25% of the good carbs per meal for blood sugar stability is helpful in your case. 
  3. Get into "Primary Food", the things that feed you other than food. Follow my advice to make a "nourishment list" for yourself and do those things daily that make you feel good— a walk, a massage, journaling, a bath, watch your favorite show, talk to a friend or a therapist, look into the healing codes, etc.

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