Action Steps for Looking at the Emotional Side of Healing

The 4 actions steps Jason Brody spoke about to work on for the next few weeks are below.

  1. Start by recognizing what you may have “unfinished business” around (insecurity, self-worth, etc.) and how that causes you to perceive situations through a particular filter. Write down your story – describe it in detail – how it operates, how you feel, and how you behave. The first step is to bring it into conscious awareness.

Determine if it’s a story of victimization…. The “why me” story. Or is it a story of fear of what might happen? Is there a deep sadness or grief? Do you have to control things? Are you entitled? Are you seeking approval and validation? Are you caught in judgment of yourself or others?

If possible, connect back to what happened in your childhood that led you to take on this idea. This helps you understand that your story is something you learned and not who you are.

  1. Allow yourself to experience what insecurity feels like. You might notice sadness, anger, a sense of defeat, fear, or victimization. Let it all be there without judgment and breathe through it. Give expression to whatever comes – if you’re sad, put on some sad music, get a box of tissues and allow yourself to be sad, so you can move out the emotion. If you’re angry, hit a cushion with a bat, scream in a pillow, break some old dishes, dance vigorously. Let the energy MOVE through and out. Your job is to allow the feelings expression without judgment; the rest happens all by itself. This is the step that most people shy away from – remember if you could ”analyze” this away, you would have done so already. Unexpressed emotion is the glue that holds the story in place; giving them a voice and space to move is crucial for lasting transformation.
  1. Form the intention to watch for the appearance of this insecurity or story in many different aspects of your life. Become interested in seeing how it appears instead of trying to make it go away, judging yourself for having it, or covering it up with rainbows. The Toltecs call this “stalking”. When you notice, bring your attention to the awareness that this is not who you are, but baggage you picked up along the way.
  1. Recognize how you would act on the basis of this limiting belief and DO ANYTHING ELSE. You are not required to immediately know how else to be. It is OK to fumble around while you go through a period of finding your way. 

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