The Sludgy Cocktail Recipe and Instructions

The Sludgy Cocktail recipe is located within your supplement protocol as well.

Medi-Clay/Diatomaceous Earth(DE)

This clay/earth combination is your “Sludgy Cocktail.” It can be taken before bed or first thing in the morning, as long as it is taken 45 minutes away from food and away from other supplements and medications (except Triphala). If taken before bed, and you also need to take prescription medication before bed, take the sludgy cocktail 1 hour before bed.

Triphala can be taken either with the Sludgy Cocktail at bedtime or at least 30 minutes away from food anytime in the evening.

Sludgy Cocktail Dosage Notes:

Week 4: 1 teaspoon Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and 1/2 teaspoon Medi-Clay (open 2 capsules) with 8 oz. of water. A shaker or blender bottle works great for this. 

Weeks 5-6: If you are NOT experiencing excessive die-off symptoms double the dose of DE to 2 teaspoons and hold there for remaining two weeks of the Pathogen Purge. Otherwise, continue your dose of DE at 1 teaspoon.

Week 7: If you are NOT experiencing constipation, increase the dose of Medi-Clay to 3 capsules and continue through the end of the Transition Week. Otherwise, continue with your current dose of Medi-Clay.

Variation: If you prefer to take Medi-Clay in capsule form, you can take it along with the DE that has been added to water.

For best results, the Sludgy Cocktail should be followed by drinking an additional 8 oz. of water. 

Note: If you have Medi-Clay leftover at the end of the program, it can be used after eating a food that does not agree with you (i.e. possible food poisoning).

Sludgy Cocktail and Triphala:

Increase your dose of Triphala when you begin taking the clay/earth mixture to avoid constipation. If you continue to experience constipation after increasing the amount of Triphala you are taking, refer to the Constipation handout for additional suggestions.


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