Feeling discouraged. I was diagnosed with H. pylori, SIBO, Blastocystis hominis, stage 3/4 adrenal fatigue. Any suggestions?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was some initial discomfort in the second week after starting the supplements, but the rest of the pathogen purge was ok (still had headaches, fatigue and some abdominal pain) but even had a few "good" days. I had bowel resection surgery in 2009 which removed the last 18 inches of small intestine through the first 6 inches of the large intestine and also 6 inches of the sigmoid colon just above rectum (for extensive endometriosis through the bowel wall). I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis and am on 100mcg levothyroxine.

A: Let us help you pull out of your discouragement and acknowledge that what you were doing BEFORE was directly related to the SIBO, Hashi and adrenal fatigue. That may be discouraging, but not anymore as you are learning a NEW way to support your nutritional health. You've had a rough go of it. But now, with a little work, and in your case, it does seem that it's hard work, you have an opportunity for some life changing, foundational improvements. So now, with your understanding of what's at stake and the "spirit of the program" which is pointing you to prebiotic foods and probiotic re-colonization, you need to play this process out over the next year. Christa will get you to a new dietary foundation, and you'll be able to know what to do to overcome your limitations. Without your intestines, you must re-establish proper motility. Thus trial and error until you achieve it. You'll try Neurosyn and CALM. You'll try probiotics. You'll gently engage fermented foods and fibers as you are able meaning unless they do not aggravate SIBO. Never give up and never be discouraged. Your stability in the G.I. tract will be unique to you and it's necessary for your future health. You are being provided the best of everything in the whole world ... but you'll need to experiment and persevere to overcome your physical handicap. You can do this. Others have and you can too. Keep in mind that the "BABY STEPS" that remain below the threshold of aggravation are the best steps for you, and do them long term as you'll need more time. But daily efforts will yield huge results with time. Jack

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