I have multiple problems, H. pylori, Hashimoto's, fungus, worms. How will that work?

Most everyone coming to Gut Thrive will have more than one issue. All of our programs address almost of all these issues. The goal behind the assessment is to determine the root. For example, is the fungal infection responsible for the H. pylori, and do you really have worms, or is it protozoa? Once you fill out the assessment, you will get a program that is slanted more toward your root cause. Your program will encompass far-reaching GI support, leaning the support on the one that is the most pathogenic to your body and likely allowing the others to thrive. If you truly have worms and have seen them in the toilet, you will likely get filtered to the worms and protozoa program, which also addresses fungus. With the HCL building at the end, that may take care of the H. pylori on its own (especially if it’s roots are fungal-related). If not, you would have to do one month of our H. pylori tea after that to clear it all out.

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