I’ve been prescribed low-dose naltrexone (LDN) for my autoimmune disease (Lupus), I was wondering if I should delay taking the pills. I have adrenal insufficiency and hypothyroid.


Additional details and questions from this client: “Recently, I have become parasite infected, and all my hormones dropped to very low levels. I was hoping if the GT5 program can correct my hormones and my immunity, I might not need to take LDN, that way I also don't need to worry about not be able to sleep. How long should I wait, if I decided to? I'm on plan P. My body is very acidic, and you recommend to eat 70% of alkaline foods. Since, plan S is not supposed to eat starchy vegetables and fruits, trying to avoid eating too much meat becomes difficult. Any suggestion for me to feel full and get enough nutrients? I'm adding some good fat, but is collagen also acid forming?”

Answer: No contraindication with LDN that we know of but always run it by your doc/practitioner. You can support adrenals/thyroid during the program. This is your BIG MOVE toward ending the over acid state. The hormone issue is often cell membrane inflammation. The fats in the GT5 program support cell membranes, and immunity is helped by lowering pathogens. You can capitalize on alkalizing foods and as you may know, some lemon juice in water is alkalizing. So a squeeze of lemon juice will work great. Also Collagen provides amino acids.


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