Will this program work for someone who does NOT have leaky gut, but does have SIBO, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Irritable Bowel (constipation), Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Obesity, Chronic Bacterial Vaginosis (20 years), Pre-diabetic, borderline Lupus?

It is highly unlikely that with that list of health conditions that you do not have leaky gut. Because the program slashes inflammation, removes offenders, reseeds and reinforms the immune system, chronic bacterial and fungal infections that underlie autoimmunity will be removed and therefore the conditions have a chance to improve. We’ve had people lose from 7-10% body fat on this program and your body will decide how much weight is safe to lose. Yes, we address SIBO. If you’ve been diagnosed with it, you will likely end up on Plan S. While this program is not a panacea, be-all, end-all, it is first base for healing the issues you list above. When you rejuvenate the microbiome and educate the immune system differently, it helps almost everything. The body will take the healing directive where it needs to go.

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