Can the program help with Tinnitus?

Tinnitus can be caused by a number of different factors. Lack of circulation, stress, zinc or B12 deficiencies can all contribute to ringing in the ears. Ginkgo biloba is one of the best herbs to work with ringing of the ears ( You can also try alternating hot and cold foot baths to promote circulation and see if that helps improve the ringing in your ears.

Keep in mind as well, there is an aspect for tinnitus in the program. When there is toxicity in that region, there's often ringing of the ears and with this program, it's going to be more of the neurological work you'll be doing that should help with this condition. With tinnitus, it's the temporal part of the brain - in other words, the part of the brain right above the ears on both sides. When there are noises in the ears, the brain is hearing it, then the ears are also still doing the same. Note this is different than vertigo or the "breathing" you may hear in the inner ear. As you get more into the neurological work and you get the leaky gut and the gut-brain barrier corrected, you can have some great strides regarding tinnitus (ringing in the ears).

It has always been a hard area to handle. In Chinese medicine, they link it to the kidneys and the liver. People work those systems a lot with only marginal help, but it does seem we're really looking at a new breakthrough for the ringing in the ears as we engage some of this neural activation and the neural-formulas recommended in the program and we're seeing that those noises are going down.


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