I have an over active bladder at night. I wake between 2-4 times each night to urinate. This has been going on for years. At this point a restful sleep for me only happens when I only get up twice per night. Do you have any suggestions?

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The unusual thing is that I have tons of energy the next day and can make it through my 8 1/2 hr work day after cycling to work and back without any sign of fatigue during the day, no even yawning through the afternoon as I watch my co workers doing. I'm 59. My bladder has been checked by a urologist but nothing was found to be out of order. I've begun eating more parsley daily working my way up to 1 cup a day.

A: The suggestion is to support the kidneys with the kidney cleansing cocktail (http://bit.ly/1ivid6b) and to increase your mineral intake of calcium, magnesium, and potassium along with concentrated trace minerals. You should notice a big improvement in nighttime urination as kidney health improves. Megafood, found in health food stores is a great cal-mag-potassium supp.

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