I'm a transplant patient and take anti-rejection drugs (Tacrolimus, Imuran and Prednisone) as well as suffering from hypothyroidism, ITP, basal cell carcinoma, and Celiac disease. Can I do this program?

Yes you can take GT5 while on consistent immuno-suppressants because the program is gentle. You will just need to take meds away from the GT5 supplements. 

With hypothyroidism​, Celiac, and basal cell carcinoma, this is a very good place to rejuvenate and have a long, happy life with your family.

You'll just have to take the program slow and if you run into any trouble, you'll need to book a 30-minute appointment with our clinical guest Jack Tips due to the transplant meds - however we didn't have any trouble last time with this and don't anticipate that you will. Just want you to be aware of a next step if need be. 

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