I've been told I have osteopenia and I want to reverse this without any taking any pharmaceuticals. Can you please recommend what is the most beneficial way to reserve the osteopenia and to avoid osteoporosis?

I would add 5000 IU of Vitamin D with K2 to your regimen. Here’s the coolest thing: most people (even us in SoCal) are low in Vitamin D, often even when they take it. Why? Because you need Vitamin K2 to help absorb it. Vitamin K2 should be manufactured by the good bugs in the gut. However most people don't have those good bugs, are deficient in Vitamin K2, and therefore don't absorb much of their Vitamin D with the end result being that it affects bone health. Reseeding the colon should help a lot with this. The highest food I know with Vitamin K2 is Brie cheese. If you can eat dairy, you can work a good raw brie into your diet 2-3 times a week in small amounts. Consider increasing magnesium, because it stimulates the hormone that "accepts" calcium into the bone. Vitamin K2 allows Vitamin D absorption. Vitamin D acts as the transportation channel for calcium to get to the bone, while magnesium is the gatekeeper that opens the gate for delivery. 100% grass-fed raw milk is a highly beneficial food to combat osteopenia as well.

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