Anti-Parasite Protocol to follow if still seeing Worms in Reseeding

If you still see worms in your stool when in the reseeding phase, you can opt to take additional VRM1 and VRM3 at 3 capsules each, once daily for 10 days. Do this concurrently with the rest of the program.

This should do it for the majority of participants, but if there is an unusual case and the worms may have been present for some years, it may be necessary to run through that cycle with a 5-day break in between, each 10-day cycle.

Wait to do the HCL challenge until the 10-day VRM course is finished. You can order more VRM1 & VRM3 HERE.

You may also want to consult with Jack as this is one of his specialties and he can help devise a custom plan for your particular situation. He can be reached at 512.328.3996 or

NOTE: This protocol can also be used outside the program if you suspect you may have picked up worms and/or other parasites (i.e. while traveling). 

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