What is your advice for those of us with liver/gallbladder issues like dyskinesia, have no gallbladder, but liver trouble, feel nauseous a lot, have itchy skin, and have trouble with fat?

Take an ox bile supplement to help you digest fat (it is in your Digestzymes, but you may need to purchase just ox bile after it runs out) and eat 3 c. of raw shredded beets weekly for your gallbladder. Also look into taking Ultra-Phos (http://www.gutthrivein5.com/ultraphos) - 10 drops in water 3 x/day away from food to help the liver for 30 days. It’s gentle and very safe. It acts like fly paper to the liver and gallbladder to go in and clean out gunk from the ducts, then removing it out through the bowels. Just make sure you're having bowel movements. Turmeric tea is also great for the liver (put a pinch of freshly-ground black pepper in it to increase absorption), as are glutathione, dandelion greens, and milk thistle tea along with coffee enemas.

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