Additional Details: I developed this after giving birth 2 years ago also when eczema flared up horribly again. Those are my main digestive issues. I'm about 10 days into Phase 2 of Plan F. Yesterday my chest was much better, as well as some other spots showing improvement! My back is still covered in a rash, but seems like it is drying and scabbing up. So I'm hoping THIS is THE hump and I'm getting over it. I was also wondering since I have had such a hard time, if I should support the liver with Glutathione? I didn't do that I was also wondering if I should test for MTHFR to know going forward and to make sure I don't end up in this boat again through not handling deficiencies properly.

Glutathione is pretty much always a great idea and I say go for it, as well as testing for MTHFR. Almost 30% of the population has it and they don't know about it. Colostrum should definitely also be in your future. As for smell, as soon as the intestinal terrain shifts in your favor = more good guys than bad, the smelling should subside and victory is likely very close-- at the very least, by the end of the reseeding phase.