Based on the documentation, should we expect that our issues will not be resolved in the pathogen purge, but rather just beginning?

Additional Details: The pathogen purge begins the process of getting the bad guys out, but does not complete it? Reseeding adds new good guys to support the good we have to keep kicking the bad guys out. So in reality we should not expect our issues to be resolved in the pathogen purge, but just beginning, right?

Good point. The Pathogen Purge does two things:

1) Disrupts pathogenic quorum sensing

2) Eliminates vulnerable species including virus, bacteria, protozoa, fungi, mycoplasma, etc. according to the impact of the botanicals employed; removes heavy metals that pathogens used in biofilms; enzymatically breaks down pathogenic biofilms. It does this quickly so as to avoid pathogenic mutation and damage to probiotic species that are less vulnerable to the botanicals.

This process continues in Phase 3 as both the pre-biotic fibers (via food-based probiotics which encourage the armies of probiotics to proliferate), and the probiotics used, will oust pathogens and claim their niches. So, as they say in the military, it's “shock and awe”, followed by “boots on the ground”. By working with nature and correcting the terrain (something not done by military action;), this program sets the stage for continued health benefits that will evolve over the next few months.

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