I’m on Plan P and on my last day of the pathogen purge. A few days back I found a live pinworm/thread worm. I'm wondering if I need another round of the parasite purge supplements.

Additional Details: Q: Im on Plan P and on my last day of the pathogen purge. A few days back I found a live pinworm/thread worm. I have felt others over the last 2 weeks too (not before the program) but not seen any. Given that coming out, or almost out of your body, is part of their normal habit I am not sure if this a worm trying to exit (a la quorum sensing) or whether its one just about its normal business. So I'm wondering if I need another round of the parasite purge supplements. Since then I have taken grapefruit seed extract as well as continuing the oregano oil and intend to cycle candida supplements (i.e. - olive leaf, pau d'Arco etc.) candida cleanse style and an anti-parasite mix with similar ingredients to the Plan P. I am awaiting those supplements to arrive along with diatomaceous earth which I intend to take daily. I also have black walnut tincture but the spit test has got worse since the start of the PP (and I have developed itchy ear canals for the first time in years - is this Candida/fungus exiting, coming up from down deep?). So I am reticent to have the alcohol. What do you think, is this the best approach? Since taking the Grapefruit seed extract, I am suddenly bloating like crazy, especially after the evening meal. Is this something new on its way out? It feels that way as I experienced this briefly at times in the PP. I am also attending to the ileocecal valve. I am mindful that I am not the only Plan P person finding live worm activity (different species to mine and not rope 'worm'), so general advice on live worms after the PP would help others too.

You are making progress! Sounds like you are mid-purge and getting rid of things that have inhabited your body for quite some time. If you are moving into another round of purging, try to complete it within 21 days with all of the things you listed. They will take care of the rest of the worm situation. I see it (itchy ears and other symptoms) as layers coming up and out for release and then renewal. If you'd like to amend that plan, you can do a 30 minute consult with Jack and he might just put you on additional large intestine VRM formulas for a few more weeks to exorcise the rest of the worms.

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