Should I move to Phase 3 even though I am experiencing constipation that requires a daily intervention of some kind with minimal success, such as aloe, triphala, ghee water, CE, Epsom salt enema, smooth move?

Additional Details: Im on plan S and also have SIBO. I have not done the sludgy drink because I was concerned about worse constipation issues. I am almost at the end of Phase 2 and soon should start Phase 3. Diet and supplements have been going well in Phase 2, despite constipation. I have not done the sludgy drink, because I was concerned about worse constipation issues.

Yes move to phase 3 as the lack of biodiversity in your colon could be a culprit for constipation and could really help. Continue everything else as normal and maybe take smooth move tea 3x in a row nightly before the reseeding phase.

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