We are still experiencing severe die-off, with a cycle of feeling better and then some setbacks. Please explain this process and how to cope with it so that we can embrace this pain in order to regain our health back.

Additional Details: Though we do coffee enemas, probiotic enemas, and saunas, we still experience severe die-off and a cycle of feeling better and then some setbacks. It is very difficult to pursue when we are suffering this way. It feels as if it will never end.

There are no straight lines in Nature. Healing is often two steps forward one step back. And sometime it has us two-stepping quite a bit (having loose stools). The reason there is concern and anxiety occurring is the leaky gut has not yet been addressed in your work early in Phase 2.  The concern for you is LEAKY GUT. This makes you “GAPS” reactive, (i.e. - the GI tract impacting the mood, anxiety, etc.). Let’s have you introduce some leaky gut help now as you work through the Pathogen Purge. See if you can find Aloe Vera (we’ll use 1 oz. in 3 oz. water, twice a day). Also see if you can find Phospholipid Colostrum and use 1 scoop, twice a day. Please know that you will improve.

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