Your naturopath gives good and insightful advice. Here's the dilemma. Your current microbiome is supporting the inflammatory and hyperkeratotic processes that epigenetically lock you into a psoriasis. Recent research shows several "perfect storm" pathogens that cause this from the intestines. If the pathogens are present, then they reinforce the unwanted symptom-expression. So you've got to change that, one way or another. Changing the microbiome can exacerbate symptoms such as yours, but it should be a temporary exacerbation. So you are exactly right. GENTLE and GRADUAL are key. A happier microbiome means less inflammation. Also, getting rid of the offending pathogens does not guarantee an end to the symptom-expression, because the body often continues the epigenetic expression of the symptoms until "acted upon by another force." That other “force" is the domain of your Naturopath who can provide nutrients, homeopathics, botanicals, and therapies to assist once your microbiome is rejuvenated. This is the first step to true healing.