Should people with suspected adrenal fatigue do colonics and/or coffee enemas? If not, why? I've heard mixed reviews, but do not understand why doing a colonic would be detrimental under that condition.

Additional Details: As someone who has suffered from constipation for years, I am inclined to think I would benefit greatly from a colonic, but am aware that I may be dealing with fatigue issues simultaneously.

Adrenal fatigue is a foundational issue and the individual must decide if she/he has the energy and strength for a colonic. The colonic often temporarily increases the toxic burden on the body, especially if there is leaky gut. Some of that water is absorbed. So the body must deal with that. But the overall advantages of relieving the GI tract toxic burden bears the larger benefit. So "suspected adrenal fatigue" does not sound like enough "adrenal decompensation" to be concerned.

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