Can we take Saccharomyces Boulardii if on plan S but also have Candida?

S. boulardii is often used for both candida and SIBO, but like everything, there will be a few exceptions. S. boulardii is a yeast that won't take up residence in the body, it's transient. It can stimulate the SIgA antibodies to help prevent candida from building biofilms on the intestinal lining. However some people can have allergies to yeast, so S. boulardii would aggravate and cause a too-strong reaction. But generally, S. boulardii is a helper for getting rid of candida and for helping get rid of methane and H2S producers involved in SIBO. Since individuality prevails, try it at a low dose first (1/day) and work up from there if no bloating is caused.

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