I cannot tolerate proteolytics. Are the hydrolytic enzymes in the program more like proteolytic enzymes to be taken between meals to clear out the "junk" in your bloodstream or are they digestive enzymes taken with meals?

The hydrolytic enzymes occur in only a minor amount in one of the pathogen purge supplements but yes, you do take them in between meals but they are much gentler than proteolytic enzymes.

The proteolytics can be skipped completely from your experience and you can also skip the enzymes, getting some of your own without HCL, but keep in mind that our supplement packages ship in kits and so you'd have to resell or give those 2 bottles away.

This program is gentle, soothing, and rebuilding so I am hopeful that it can help most of the way on your gut repair. Unfortunately with human health and biochemical individuality, there are no promises with what the body does with the healing directive it's been given, but our past results with those in a similar situation to you were good.

As you progress, you may have to have a 1/2 consult with Dr. Tips to tweak specific to you based upon your experience.

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