I'm currently taking a bunch of supplements to correct vitamin deficiencies. I don't want to be OVERsupplementing, but I do want to be sure I'm getting what I need to address my deficiencies. Will I be able to continue taking these during the program?

You are wise to fill in nutritional deficiencies and that will help you feel better during the GT5 process. 

You can continue to take all of your vitamins including C, fish oil, D, and the B's. Keep in mind that we include desiccated liver in GT5 which is high in most of the B vitamins so as you take the desiccated liver, you should be able to at least halve your dose of Ultranutrient (B12). 

Also in the pathogen purge, we include a methylation product to make detox easier and that has methylfolate and methylcobalamin (B12) so at that time, you would further drop the dose of your existing B vitamins or suspend their use for 20 days while you're taking that product. 

Vitamin D with K2, C, magnesium, fish oil, etc can only help. We just don't want our GT5ers taking any additional enzymes, probiotics, fibers, or anti-pathogenic herbs as all four of those categories of supplements would thwart the GT5 process. 

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