Information on Transition Supplements

Here is a link to the transition package for terraforming.

Please remember that these supplements are NOT being shipped by our GT5 fulfillment center where you get your GT5 supplements from, but by our third party partners at PureRXO.

Their return policy is different than ours and it is attached. They will handle all customer support tickets directly for this so please take note to write to them directly for the logistics related to ordering. We’ve had all good experiences working with them. They are local and we trust their process and handling.

Please also note that they are using two different enzymes in the package (one by Designs for Health and one by Orthomolecular, both stellar).  

Here is a link to GI Restore that Dr. Tom talks about if you choose to continue on with colostrum past the 30 days in the transition phase.

Here’s a link to his website for those of you who were asking for it during the chat. He has a clinical services department for those of you asking about working privately on the adrenals/thyroid and we also like Jeanne Rubin at East West Healing and Performance for this kind of metabolic work.

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