Great question and both approaches are wonderful! The fact that you already eat this way tells us that you have the dedication and ability to fix your health. Our diet plan may be even more relaxed and easier for you to follow. We believe the human body is stronger than we give it credit for. It's flexible and adaptable and shouldn't have to stick so hard to diets to maintain equilibrium.

Our goal is to bring you back to your original and to have the most powerful strength that you likely haven't even experienced yet in this life. By bringing you to this place, you'll be able to live an 80/20 balance, because your body will be strong enough to burn sugar efficiently when there are carbs present and to burn fat efficiently when there is fat present. If you stick to a healthy, clean diet 80%of the time, you can manage your health for life. Our diet is fairly strict for the first 4-6 weeks and then you get to move toward your 80/20 balance.

Plus, diet is just one piece of healing your gut and fixing your other health problems. You need high quality supplements with a strategy behind them and that have been proven to work time and time again. You also need simple but effective lifestyle habits, and to eliminate any hidden root and environmental causes that are keeping you sick. GT5 is different because it's put together under one program with easy steps for you to incorporate into your daily life.