What if I've already done The Whole Journey’s Candida Cleanse, can I still benefit from the Gut Thrive program?

Absolutely and this will be EASIER for you if you've already done The Whole Journey Candida Cleanse. if you are currently going through or have completed the Candida Cleanse and are interested in registering for Gut Thrive, we encourage you to do so. Now, that you've addressed candida with the cleanse, the Gut Thrive assessment will look for other issues or any residual candida symptoms you may be experiencing. Your microbiome will be in a better place to go through Gut Thrive and set you up for a greater level of success and terraforming.

Not only will you be repeating and expanding the fungus protocol in Gut Thrive, but you will be expanding on potential other challenges that your gut may be experiencing. In addition to tackling other issues within the gut, the program will also address your neurological connection (the Gut/Brain Connection!) and your liver and adrenal function. The combination of the two programs will give you an extremely rounded out protocol and also educate you on all aspects of the gut which will add to the knowledge you gained in the Candida Cleanse.

Note that if you are coming into it straight off the Candida Cleanse and feeling tired and depleted, you should supplement with a multi-mineral complex like Orthomolecular's Reacted Multi Mins since too much DE can deplete minerals.

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