Have you heard of Small Intestinal Yeast Overgrowth? I understand it is similar to SIBO, but is treated in a different way. I have had yeast issues for many years and wonder if this could be the culprit instead of bacteria.

Yes, I have heard of this and designed the plans accordingly. That pesky candida is a yeast of opportunity seeking to grow wherever it can. Candida yeast is a big sugar fermenter and everyone has some as part of their microbiome. However we don't want it growing too much in there, because this indicates there's a lack of biodiversity— the species that would help keep it in check gets killed off by pharmaceutical antibiotics.

Then, if the candida is feeling uppity, it might build biofilms and incorporate pesticides, dental mercury, and environmental toxicity. The overgrowth of yeast or fungal candida will cause many symptoms including brewery syndrome, (intoxication by alcohols released from the sugar fermentation— hence no kombucha on GT5!). Minimize sugar and refined starches in the diet as food limits candida's growth.

The GT5 program addresses Candida at the get-go, (i.e. - wheat free, sugar free, and of course, organic) AND there are anti-candida elements in all of the formulas, which are carefully rotated and put together to outsmart the opportunism and adaptability of the overgrown yeast to create balance in the system. You may need to stay on your earth/clay combo an extra 7-10 days. The program abounds in rounding up candida and showing it the way out and should be highly effective for you.

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