I was diagnosed with GERD, gastritis and Barretts Esophagus 10 years ago. I've been on Aciphex for 10 years and scoped every year. Gastritis seems gone after I introduced a gluten free diet. The GERD and Barretts remain. What do I do for the next step?

ADDITONAL INFORMATION: There was a point a few years back when I tried to get off my pro pump inhibitor with the help of a naturopath. Four months into that program, I was scoped and the Barretts had gotten dangerously bad, so much so that I ended up having to be scoped every three months for a couple of years. My doctor made it very clear that I was someone who had to stay on pro pump inhibitors for life. (He was MAD). Undoubtedly I am not making enough stomach acid and have known that intuitively for years. I am unable to get an appointment with my GI doctor for his 'blessing' or to get my dose decreased. I am looking for advice for this upcoming phase of the program. Were there other clients who were in this situation? Can I stop my medication? If I do not stop my medication is this where my healing process comes to a halt? Can Barretts be reversed or do I need to stay on this medication for a lifetime?

A: Barretts is the body’s choice to armor the esophagus against acid reflux and the lack of an appropriate esophageal microbiome; so it turns the tissue into something akin to the stomach/duodenum/small intestines that must encounter stomach acid and be protected. Unchecked, it can develop into a cancer due to the altered tissue and mitochondrial processes. The key to the possibility of reversal is to correct the cause. Fundamentally, the cause was not HCl. It was what was causing the caustic abrasion of the esophagus which could well be hybridized wheat and other grains, alteration of the immune system (which can occur from vaccinations), silver amalgam dental fillings exposing the esophagus to Hg, etc. etc. How about this for a strategy: keep working on correcting the cause, support your body with healing nutrients, and then show your doctor some bona fide improvement. Then have the conversation with your doctor to oversee your next step of remedial effort. You need to know if the valve is damaged and if HCl will continue to leak the increasing HCl can be problematic. Just get all the facts and then see what a strategy is. Best wishes.

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