Can I still do the program if I'm going to imbibe in drinks with alcohol occasionally?

We recommend that you abstain from alcoholic drinks until Step 5 which is where we discuss The 80/20 Maintenance and go into how you will eat and live after Gut Thrive in 5. At that point you can have 3-5 alcoholic beverages per week. Once you move into 80/20 Maintenance, some of our favorites include biodynamic unsulfured wine, unfiltered gluten free beer, quinoa vodka, or tequila. Avoid sugary mixers and regular beer at all costs.

Also, strengthen the liver with desiccated liver and take glutathione. Try 1/2 glass of quinoa vodka (FAIR is great) or 1/2 glass of wine by itself and see how you go. Keep going on the methyls and also try a castor oil pack on the liver which will help nourish it.

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