I am allergic or sensitive to eggs and wondering what I can substitute during the program.

Many people who think that they are allergic or sensitive to eggs find that they can handle the certified organic, free range eggs from those truly healthy chickens that are able to eat some bugs and get chased around by a rooster. You may actually be sensitive to corn and soy, and that’s why you've reacted to eggs, because of what the chickens ate. Most pasture-raised chickens are fed a much more wholesome diet, thus not “passing down” the GMOs and food sensitivity.
Another consideration is how you are cooking the egg, most optimally is a soft poaching. A hard boiled or oxidized-cholesterol “scrambled” egg can be a little harder on the liver. Lightly soft boiling eggs are supportive as well.

If you feel that the sensitivity is to the actual egg itself and still want to avoid them, you can get your protein from an acceptable protein powder source, or have more meat at that meal. Although you may want to try re-introducing them periodically during the program to test your sensitivity. If still reacting, give it a 2-3 months even after Gut Thrive, as we see many sensitivities diminish while you continue to 'terraform'.

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